Scrabble Basic Rules
Scrabble is a word game that is played on a board with 15x15 cells. This game contains of 100 tiles that are used in the game and 98 of them will contain letters and point values. There are 2 blank tiles that can be used as wild-tiles to take the place of any letter. When a blank is played, it will remain in the game as the letter it substituted for. Different letters in the game will have various point values and this will depend on how rare the letter is and how difficult it may be to lay that letter. Blank tiles will have no point values. The game starts with
each player drawing seven tiles from the bag. The first player plays in contact with the center tile, with a minimum length of 2 letters. Play continues until an end-condition is reached.
Scrabble is a word game that is played on a board with 15x15 cells. This game contains of 100 tiles that are used in the game and 98 of them will contain letters and point values. There are 2 blank tiles that can be used as wild-tiles to take the place of any letter. When a blank is played, it will remain in the game as the letter it substituted for. Different letters in the game will have various point values and this will depend on how rare the letter is and how difficult it may be to lay that letter. Blank tiles will have no point values. The game starts with each player drawing seven tiles from the bag. The first player plays in contact with the center tile, with a minimum length of 2 letters. Play continues until an end-condition is reached.
1. Before Start
- Hundred tiles : 98 with letters and their values 2 blanks without letter and value .
- 4 racks or trays
- A bag and a board
2. Confirm 100 tiles
- count ma king 10×10 grid or 5×5 grid on the board
- letter distributions are mentioned on the board .
- Near to "A" or "A" or "Blank" d rawer takes first turn.
- Drawn tiles must be mixed in the bag by opponent and shuffle them.
4. Draw 7 Tiles raising the bag to eye level or above
- You can keep on the table ma king face down or directly to the rack or tray.
- Never show your tiles to your opponent.
5.Start from the center square star which is double word premium
- There must be 7 tiles always. When you play as much as tiles ,must be drawn same number(s) of tiles from the bag.
-Opponent starts when first player sees any of the tiles
- Standard time limit is 25 minutes for each player.
- Be sure a bout your words and then ta p the timer because after the touching the timer
we can't change played word. Invalid word won't give you any score and you will lose the turn.
7. Words
- Official dictionary word can be used except short forms, Proper Nouns
- It has it's own dictionary
We can play;
A word more than once
Singular or plural
Any verb forms
Across or down
-2 blanks can be designated any letter as per our need. Once it is made, it can't be changed .
- Suppose a player designates the first blank as "B" and makes word BINGO then this tile remains "B" in whole game.
- Another blank can be designated another letter as per your need.
- Blanks can be replaced with the specific letters. Let's take the example of above. You have "B" then it can be replaced with it but it must be used immediately.( Note: This depends on game variation .)
9.Word or letter premium
- There a re 2 types of letter premium
A. Double letter ( light blue color) : makes the double ×2 of specific letters which a re put on but once.
B. Triple letter ( dark blue color): makes the triple ×3 specific letter which are put on but once.
- There are two types of word premium
A. Double word ( orange) : makes the double score ×2 of any specific words you create on but only once.
B. Triple word ( Red) : makes the triple ×3 of any specific word you create on but only once.
10.Pass, exchange, and challenge
-If you are unable to play any word utter "Pass"
- Utter "Exchange " if you are unable to make any valid words. Keep as much as tiles you want to exchange; on the table ma king them face down then draw from the bag the same numbers of tile you have made face down. Drawing tile rule applies as mentioned above.
- If there a re only 6-7 tiles , we can't do exchange.
- When you come to know you r opponent has played wrong or invalid word utter "Challenge" and call the game director.
- If anyone loses the challenge, loses his/her turn.
- If any player creates word using entire 7 tiles gets +50 as a bonus which is sim ply called bingo.
12. Game over
- Times up
- possible plays done
- Six consecutive zeros such as passes, successful challenges, and exchanges.
- Mischief
13. Winner
- The high score obtainer wins the game.
- Time also can vital role to determine the winner. If we cross the limit, 1 minute or parts of a minute reduces 10 points from our total score. And it goes likewise.
Words that can be useful for scrabble game:
1. Ace 2. Bag 3. Cat 4. Dog 5. Elf 6. Fan 7. Gap 8. Hat 9. Ivy 10. Jam 11. Key 12. Leg 13. Mat 14. Net 15. Owl 16. Pan 17. Qua 18. Rat 19. Sat 20. Ten 21. Urn 22. Van 23. Wax 24. Yes 25. Zoo 26. An 27. Be 28. Do 29. Ex 30. Fa 31. Go 32. Hi 33. In 34. Jo 35. Ki 36. Lo 37. Mo 38. No 39. Ox 40. Pi 41. Qi 42. Re 43. Si 44. To 45. Up 46. We 47. Xi 48. Ye 49. Za 50. Cat 51. Dog 52. Hat 53. Rat 54. Bat 55. Mat 56. Sat 57. Pat 58. Pen 59. Fan 60. Fun 61. Run 62. Sun 63. Cup 64. Cut 65. Hut 66. Jam 67. Jet 68. Jog 69. Box 70. Fox 71. Wax 72. Bed 73. Red 74. Den 75. Men 76. Pen 77. Dot 78. Hot 79. Not 80. Pot 81. Top 82. Toy 83. Boy 84. Arm 85. Bar 86. Car 87. Tar 88. Za 89. Jo 90. Ka 91. Qi 92. Xu 93. Qis 94. Cwm 95. Pyx 96. Zek 97. Kue
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